• Lesson plans are subject to change on a daily basis. Students are also able to receive 15 points of participation every week. Participation points may be deducted based on behavior and classroom/studio etiquette. In addition to the projects below, students will also have in-class activities and supplemental assignments. This is a general outline for what we are going to cover. 

    March 18 - 22

    [9.1 & 9.2]     

    • Monday: Review of scratchboard value scale: hatching, cross hatching, stippling and scribbling techniques
    • Tuesday: Completion of scratchboard value scales; all four techniques displayed with darkest to lightest present in each scale
    • Wednesday: Selection of scratchboard (gold/silver), and review of acceptable image sources. Must submit grayscale photo with bright, dark, and everything in between areas.
    • Thursday: Project planning, selection of 1 of 4 techniques (hatching, cross hatching, stippling, scribbling, or combination), contouring of image, and transfer to scratchboard
    • Friday: Completion of transfer and beginning of value application to photo (focus on "bright" areas to begin)